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What is the magic of car enterprise knowledge management? These companies that have won the MIKE Awards tell you!

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  • Time of issue:2019-05-18 16:44
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(Summary description)Since 2018, the MAKE Award has been fully upgraded to the MIKE (Most Innovative Knowledge Organization) Award. Since its introduction in China in 2011, many domestic companies have won this award.

What is the magic of car enterprise knowledge management? These companies that have won the MIKE Awards tell you!

(Summary description)Since 2018, the MAKE Award has been fully upgraded to the MIKE (Most Innovative Knowledge Organization) Award. Since its introduction in China in 2011, many domestic companies have won this award.

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  • Time of issue:2019-05-18 16:44
  • Views:5

Since 2018, the MAKE Award has been fully upgraded to the MIKE (Most Innovative Knowledge Organization) Award. Since its introduction in China in 2011, many domestic companies have won this award. In order to better promote the development of China's knowledge management, Lan Ling will share the MIKE Award-winning enterprises and the practical experience of benchmarking companies in various industries, and provide reference for many enterprises that attach importance to knowledge management.


Knowledge is wealth. Some senior executives point out that “reasonable knowledge” is more profitable than “financial management”. Many domestic and foreign famous enterprises, including Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Huawei, and SF, have already obtained huge benefits through knowledge management and promoted commercial success.


In recent years, more and more enterprises have begun to attach importance to the construction of knowledge management, as have auto companies. The automobile industry has a long industrial value chain and strict quality control requirements. The products are technically intensive and knowledge-intensive. The knowledge level and technological innovation capability of the vehicle enterprises have become the core of enterprise competition. In order to enhance the core competitiveness of the market, many car companies have begun to lay out the construction of knowledge management, but they are faced with the following confusion:


● Large-scale car companies have many subsidiaries, and have many departments such as production, R&D, marketing, etc. How can the company and department knowledge be quickly shared and avoid redundant construction?


● After more than 100 years of development, a large number of knowledge achievements have accumulated, how to achieve orderly management, and promote rapid search and reuse?


● How to make a large amount of tacit knowledge emerge quickly, promote the conversion of experience and skills into knowledge achievements, and empower the development of business...



Lanling Software has been focusing on the field of intelligent OA and knowledge management for 18 years. It has helped many well-known enterprises including the world's top 500 and industry top 100 to realize the practice and innovation of knowledge management; SAIC General Motors from the automotive industry has been outstanding for its excellence. The knowledge management practice was recognized by the MAKE Awards (predecessor of MIKE). This paper selects the classic cases of the three major enterprises, and provides a good reference for the automotive enterprises to promote knowledge management practices.


SAIC GM: Knowledge management focuses on “focusing on business, people-oriented”


customer demand

After more than 20 years of development, knowledge documents and project achievements are numerous. How to achieve unified and orderly management? The variety of knowledge, how to let employees quickly search for the desired knowledge, improve work efficiency? How to make a large amount of tacit knowledge within the company emerge quickly, promote knowledge sharing, and help the development of the business?



2016 China MAKE Award-winning company - SAIC-GM has formed a knowledge management feature under the long-term business chain model of focusing on business and people-oriented by formulating eight management standards for knowledge management and matching KM planning for the "Chuangling 2020" corporate strategy.


Facing the R&D system, disseminate new knowledge and new technologies through the Pan-Asian New Technology Information Network, make the tacit knowledge explicit, and value the explicit knowledge, and integrate the knowledge into the business scenario through the program management system;


Facing project management, realizing staged results KMS automatic archiving, precipitating big data, laying the foundation for intelligent project management;


For dealers after-sales, through the after-sales technical intelligence information library, Servicenow system to revitalize experience and knowledge;


Facing the supply chain, improving the standardization of knowledge management and promoting the horizontal communication efficiency of cross-functional modules...


Shenlong Auto: Three-step knowledge management method: “Building a system, building a platform, and integrating business”


customer demand

Large-scale car companies, with many employees, long value chain, and technology-intensive, how to promote R&D through knowledge precipitation and application? How to integrate knowledge support agents to quickly respond to customer inquiries and improve satisfaction? How to integrate knowledge and experience into the business and empower the company to develop better?



Shenlong Automobile builds core knowledge competitiveness through “building a system, building a platform, and integrating business”: building a unified knowledge management system, providing protection from organization, system to process; creating a knowledge management system for the whole company, and landing for knowledge management Provide strong support; integrate knowledge and business depth to empower business development.


Changan Automobile: Demystifying the Internet and the era of knowledge creation mode


customer demand


With the rise of new management concepts and information technology, how to further integrate people and knowledge, through more comprehensive knowledge management functions, and more full knowledge sharing, to strengthen organizational memory, enhance staff capabilities, optimize knowledge collaboration, and improve work. Performance, building a sustainable core capability for the company has become a major issue for Changan Automobile.



Changan Automobile, a group of four major Chinese automobile companies, joined hands with Lanling to build a Changan automobile knowledge community and knowledge exchange mechanism through “building content, platform and management”, realizing the effective transmission of knowledge and promoting knowledge interaction and Experience sharing; accelerated the explicitization of tacit knowledge, promoted the conversion of experience and skills into knowledge achievements; cultivated a knowledge management culture and laid a solid foundation for building excellent knowledge management competitiveness.

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Guidance unit: Global MIKE Study Group
Organizer: Tsinghua University Technology Innovation Research Center, Shenzhen Lanling Software Co., Ltd.
Supporting units: Tsinghua Management Review, Innovation and Knowledge Management Alliance (IKMA), Hangzhou Chuangzhihui Technology Co., Ltd.